Jackelica fanfiction recommendations

We all love Captain Jack Sparrow, don’t we? I am personally very addicted to some fanfictions. Some of them should even get classified as masterpieces which could be amazing screenplays.
Here are my reviews of my favorite fanfiction authors:

Obviously, this author has to be on top of the list. She frequently comes up with new unique ideas that “are never seen or read before”. Right from the very first sentences I tend to be hooked and continue until the very end of it. The stories follow the rules of Six Stages and Turning Points, often even including an aftermath.
Type of genre is often Action Romance, with a hint of Comedy and Adventure. I truly feel entertained when reading her stories and there is not a happier moment than when I see she has updated or started a new story. Big recommendation for Pirates of the Caribbean fans!

Rumbuss is right now writing a longer fanfiction. The genre shifts entertainingly between Action and Comedy. Romance glistens in the story as well, and so do some Drama and Adventure. The story is a great continuation of the fourth movie and she brings up interesting elements.
This is a great recommendation if you want to sit down in the couch, cuddled and sip on a hot chocolate while reading a longer ride of an adventure.

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